An introduction to how stress can affect your weight loss, both positively and negatively, and how to deal with it in everyday life.
When we stress a lot or sleep poorly, cortisol levels can go up and high cortisol levels counteract fat burning and muscle building, they also impair our immune system and our recovery. Then low-intensity training is a good form of exercise for burning fat, by lying at approximately 60 percent of your maximum heart rate you burn fat. Through low-intensity training, you do not stress the body in the same explosive way that high-intensity training can. It is, as so often, about seeing a whole, and adapting the training to one’s conditions and purpose.
Can exercise reduce stress in the body?
Yes, cortisol levels go down with the right kind of exercise, like a medium-intensity forest walk for example.
Does the body respond differently to exercise after 40?
Metabolism goes down and hormone makeup changes, but you can still get results, especially with the right setup. By setting goals, starting from your conditions, you can succeed in most things even long after 40.
How much can you lose per week by eating a low-calorie diet?
It is individual. If you start with a lot of excess weight, it often goes faster, but if you are closer to your normal weight, you should not lose more than half a kilo a week. Many people can get a big weight cut at the beginning, which can be exciting but also have the opposite effect when the result is not as clear after a couple of weeks. Hang in there and persevere, because bodies respond differently.
NordIQ balance theory
NordIQ is based on its theory “The Balance Table” to create health improvements and make the body respond. By visualizing a table, you can take control of your health. Imagine a round table with four legs, where one leg stands for sleep and recovery, one for diet, one for exercise and one for stress. If you saw off one of the legs, the table can still stand, albeit a little wobbly. If you saw off two, the table falls.
Your health is a whole that you can influence
By finding your weakest link, you can make a big health improvement. Are you sleeping too little? Rarely exercise? Eating poorly? Stress a lot? Start your health improvement where you are weakest. By strengthening your weakest leg, you will also strengthen the others. By exercising, you will sleep better and probably feel less stressed because exercise has a positive effect on the stress hormone cortisol. As well as hopefully wanting to eat a different type of food, which gives you energy and fills you up. The theory goes that our health is a whole that we can influence through four bones.
NordIQ best tips
- Choose a form of exercise you like, for example long walks in the forest.
- Make it easy. All movement counts and doesn’t have to be tough or hard.
- Aim to lie at 60 percent of your maximum heart rate for optimal fat burning.
- Make exercise your lifestyle. Everyday movement and movement breaks are underrated and a good start.