It’s based on science, but is really simple math.
To lose weight, you need to use up more energy than you take in.
And you do that most easily with the help of calorie calculation. Let’s learn to count calories!
Calories (cal) are a unit that measures the energy level of what we put into us. However, when talking about “calories” in everyday speech, most people refer to the concept of kilocalories (kcal) (1 kcal = 1,000 cal). In order not to create confusion, we at NordIQ Life have chosen to do the same. Both units thus measure the same thing, much like the difference between grams and kilograms.
Fat, carbohydrates, protein and alcohol are all substances that provide calories. The number of calories you should eat per day differs depending on whether you are male or female, how old you are, what you weigh and how tall you are. Lifestyle also plays a role. The more you move, the greater your caloric needs.
How many calories should I eat per day?
A normal caloric intake is between 1,800 – 2,500 calories per day, but it is difficult to say exactly as it varies from person to person. However, you can calculate the need yourself if you want. If you are of normal weight and have stayed at a stable weight for a long time, you are probably getting exactly what you need. But by using a calorie calculator, you can see at a glance what you need per day. That makes it very easy to count calories.
Say you are at a stable weight and both consume and burn 2,000 calories per day. Your goal is to lose five kilos. One kilogram corresponds to a deficit of 7,000 calories, and in order to lose five kilograms, you either need to burn or reduce your intake by 35,000 calories. Maybe it’s not something that happens on a coffee break, but for that matter, it’s not impossible either.
Food calorie calculation
The diet is often what determines what is on the scales. If you want to lose weight, it can therefore be good to count calories in the food you eat. ATTENTION! Don’t forget the drinks, they can be hidden sugar traps.
Exercise calorie calculation
The body burns more energy when moving. Exercise is therefore an excellent way to speed up your weight loss, preferably in combination with some new dietary habits. Below we have listed examples of nutritional and energy content from our food and exercise base.
Substances that provide calories
Fat = 9 kcal/gram
Alcohol = 7 kcal/gram
Protein = 4 kcal/gram
Carbohydrates = 4 kcal/gram
Foods with a lot of calories per gram
Hot dog
Food with few calories
Spices and herbs
Cottage cheese
Unsweetened quark
That’s how many calories you can burn in 30 minutes
Average cycling: 247 kcal
Walk: 161.2 kcal
Average swimming: 192.3 kcal
Yoga: 141.7 kcal
Spinning average: 309 kcal
Jogging average: 355.7 kcal
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