Is there any way to achieve guaranteed weight loss?
What should I eat for breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner?
And how much and what do I need to exercise to lose weight?
Here we answer the most common questions about weight loss.
Learn to count calories
It’s based on science, but is really simple math.
To lose weight, you need to use up more energy than you take in.
And you do that most easily with the help of calorie calculation. Let’s learn to count calories!
Lose weight and keep your muscles – best tips
You lose weight if you take in less energy than you expend, that is common knowledge. But did you know that you can lose fat and maintain – and in some cases, even build -muscle at the same time? Here are the best tips on how to do it.
Continue ReadingWhy we should stop exercising to lose weight
Do you see exercise as another method to lose weight? New research shows that it’s time to focus less on how many calories you consume during the sessions – and more on the many other health effects.
Continure readingHow to eat healthy and recover from diabetes
Weight loss is a safe way to get rid of type 2 diabetes, new research shows.
One in three people who lose weight quickly and then keep it off have normal blood sugar levels.
Continue ReadingThe disease could be kept in check for at least two years without medication, says Ulf Risérus, professor of clinical nutrition and metabolism at Uppsala University, to Dagens Nyheter.
Exercise and lose weight – is it possible?
Can you lose weight through exercise alone?
The answer is both yes and no.
Continue readingFor losing weight, diet is essential. But you get the best effect from a combination of good food and exercise, says a registered dietitian to NordIQ Life.