“Do you really have to count calories on Christmas Eve?”
No, absolutely not – in fact, you don’t have to.
But here are some tips for those of you who still want to keep track.
We have different approaches to Christmas. Some think that it is a period where they can actually eat and drink very well, without thinking about the calories, and then return to healthy habits.
Others want to maintain their weight, or lose a few kilos, over the Christmas holiday too. Here are examples of the food that can help – and ruin – you.
3 smart food choices this Christmas
- Fill the plate with vegetables! No classic Christmas food right away – and that’s the problem. The lack of vegetables means that there is room for more energy-dense food on the plate. So create a new tradition and fill up on fruit and vegetables from the start and you can be just as full on fewer calories.
- Bring on the Brussels sprouts! Don’t skip it when you set the Christmas table. In addition to the fact that a portion of Brussels sprouts contains a paltry 50 calories (the same amount as ONE piece of crackers), it is also a food that costs the body a lot of energy to process.
- Choose satiating proteins! Ham, salmon, herring and eggs are all examples of classic Christmas food that can actually help you keep your intake down. It is high in protein, filling and much of it contains good fats. But here it is important to keep down the sauces and messes that usually go with it. So skip mayonnaise on the eggs, mustard on the ham and the sauce for the salmon and herring.
3 things to avoid this Christmas
- Pickled things. We mentioned the herring as a good example above, but as I said, it applies without sauces. The pickles themselves contain more bad fats and many extra calories. If you want to think about the weight, go for regular food herring.
- Alcohol. Replacing the Christmas beer and schnapps with alcohol-free alternatives can bring a big win for those who want to lose weight. Five centiliters of spirits, i.e. a schnapps, can contain 100 calories. A large glass of strong beer of 50 centiliters provides over 200 calories.
- Binge eating. At the Christmas table, it is easy to eat on the fly. But try to avoid it. Instead, choose only what you really enjoy and your body will thank you.
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